Pool Deck Maintenance

Sep 5, 2021 | Epoxy Flooring Tips

Maintaining Your Pool Deck Sacramento

Pro Tips for Cleaning and Maintaining Your Pool Deck

A clean pool deck is a must when it comes to throwing pool parties in your backyard during those hot summer months. If you fail to establish a weekly maintenance routine, then your pool deck is going to suffer. Chlorine residue will quickly begin to accumulate, which will produce a nasty and unpleasant odor that will put a damper on your party.

Owning a pool deck will require some work. Concrete and epoxy overlays are among the more common materials used for the design and layout. They often come in different colors and visual patterns for decorative appeal. They are also super durable and offer incredible resistance to different forms of damage. However, keeping your pool deck in good working condition will most certainly require maintenance efforts.

With all that said, you should know that pool deck cleaning is relatively simple and hassle-free. We want to summarize the entire process of properly maintaining your pool deck:

Step #1: Mixing Together Your Cleaner

Before you can begin cleaning your pool deck, you will need a cleaner to remove all the gunk and bacteria that are collecting. There is a simple way in which you can produce and mix together something that’s effective and proven to work.

Get yourself a large, clean bucket and put a small amount of bleach into it. Then, add warm water and mix everything together really well with a mop or scrubbing brush. Now it’s time to apply the cleaning mixture over your pool deck. Do your best to avoid plants, gardens, and furniture.

Perhaps you need a cleaner that is more eco-friendly and won’t affect your yard. For this, you can use warm water with a mild degreasing dish soap. If the combination is weak, gradually add more soap into the mixture. You also don’t have to make your own mixture. Your local hardware or big-box store will likely sell special concrete and epoxy cleaner that you can use.

Step #2: Thoroughly Scrub Your Pool Deck

Now, it’s time to scrub down your pool deck. A bristled broom will usually work to eliminate any bacteria or grime accumulating on your pool deck. These cleaners are also effective at eliminating dirt, mildew and mold. Make sure that you are being careful and protecting yourself when scrubbing your pool deck. You don’t want to inhale or expose your skill to any harsh chemicals or bleach.

Step #3: Getting Rid of Those Unsightly Stains

If your homemade solution doesn’t effectively remove any stains or dirt, you will take it up a notch with your cleaner. One option includes trisodium phosphate (TSP). Once you properly dilute the TSP with water, you can apply it the same way as you would with the other cleanser. Again, exercise caution when cleaning your floor with TSP cleaning solutions.

Step #4: Rinse Off Your Pool Deck

Once you are finished cleaning up, you will now need to rinse off the cleaning mixture. You can use a normal gardening hose with a spray nozzle to get the job done. Make sure you are washing away any residue or dirt left behind. Remember to avoid any nearby flowers, gardens and furniture.

Protecting Your Family

If you are currently raising a small family, then you should always prioritize their safety. Establishing a clean and sanitary pool deck will protect from germs and all types of contaminants. Also, bacteria can damage any sealers that you install over your pool deck, which can potentially cause structural issues in the future.

Vacuuming Debris

If you have a lot of trash or garbage accumulating around your pool deck, then you should vacuum or sweep everything away. Also, in certain weather conditions, debris will inevitably make its way into your yard. Try to be proactive about protecting your furniture when it’s storming outside. They could potentially impact your pool deck if there are high winds.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Are you ready to resurface or upgrade your pool deck? We have a team of experts who can handle all of your flooring needs. We have a wide range of clients throughout Sacramento whom we provide many different types of services. There is nothing that we can’t handle, so give us a call today!